Sunday, November 25, 2007

Website pics

Today I was able to spend some time with a great family. I was there to get some new pictures for "M", who has started a great new business and needed a new picture for her website. And since I was there anyway, we thought we'd get some pics of their beautiful little girl too.
I've got a few ready, so thought I'd give "M" and "R" a sneak peek.

Just for fun:
Love the lashes!
And I just had to share this shot, you aren't human if this expression doesn't make you laugh audibly (or at least crack a smile)!
Thanks for a fun day, guys, and for the Mexican Coca-Cola. :)


Melissa said...

You are a wonderful photographer! Your calm and down-to-earth demeanor while chasing around our toddler was great. We love these shots and will cherish them forever. Thank you!
Itsabelly Baby Concierge

Unknown said...

These are beautiful! I loved each and every image here! Sounds like you had a ton of fun!
-Melissa E Earle