The maternity client from below ended up delivering early, just days after our shoot. Thank goodness we got the maternity shots done in time! Sweet baby girl "S" looks pretty darn happy to be here, though, don't you think?
I was so thrilled that we caught this great smile!
S was the most smiley and the most sleepy newborn that I've ever had, I think. She let us move her around a ton, it was great!

So content.

Recreating a shot from the maternity. This time with babe in arms. :)

S was born in the Chinese year of the rat, and I just had to incorporate the pillow that her parents had for her to signify that fact into the photo shoot somehow. I looked it up, and I am also a year of the rat baby! Just a few years' difference though. ;)

What girl wouldn't want a gorgeous chandelier like this in their bedroom? I would've loved it and had to capture the beauty.

Thanks for having me over guys, it was fun!
Those are so precious!! ++
That kid is a dol!! love the smile I would get that one HUGE - I wouldn't want to forget it ever.++
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